Installing Surge Suppressors
In this course, you will learn when and how to install transient voltage surge suppressors (AKA surge arrestors or surge protectors). You will learn surge protection essentials like maximum resistance to ground and minimum wire length to the protected equipment. You will learn how to use surge protective devices for phone lines, 110 VAC and fire alarm wire between buildings.
After completing this course, you should understand:
- Surge suppression for phone lines
- Surge suppression for conductors running between buildings (including SLC, IDC, NAC and power)
- Surge suppression for 110 VAC
- Maximum resistance to ground
- Minimum wire length to the protected equipment
Approx. time: 20 minutes
(0.33 CPD points)
Price: $25
(30-day access)
This course is included in Fire Alarm 101 (12-month access).
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Course Modules
1 | Intro to Surge Suppression | |
2 | Phone Lines | |
3 | Proper Installation | |
4 | Wire Between Buildings | |
5 | 110 VAC Surge | |
6 | DITEK DF-120 | |
7 | Design and Layout | |
8 | Final Exam |